J-14 posters are SOOOO back! After a brief hiatus, we’re thrilled to announce the return of J-14 Magazine’s print issue, coming back to racks this August 2024! It’s been an exciting journey for us, and we’re eager to reconnect with our dedicated readers who’ve made J-14 a staple of their teen years.

As we gear up for our comeback issue, we want YOU to be a part of the process. Your voices have always been at the heart of J-14, and now, more than ever, we’re counting on your input to shape the content of our magazine. That’s why we’re launching a special poll to hear directly from you about your favorite things!

Are you nostalgic for the iconic trends of the 2010s? Do you want to see exclusive interviews with your favorite celebrities? Are there particular sections or features you’ve been missing? Now’s your chance to let us know!

By taking this poll, you’re not only helping us bring back the J-14 you know and love, but you’re also ensuring that your interests and preferences are reflected in our pages. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to make J-14 the ultimate destination for all things teen entertainment, fashion, and pop culture.

So, what are you waiting for? Click the link below to take the poll and make your voice heard. Share it with your friends, spread the word on social media, and let’s make this return issue of J-14 one to remember!

Stay tuned for more updates as we countdown to the release of our August 2024 issue. Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to embark on this exciting new chapter with you!

Take the poll here:



The J-14 Team

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